LeadLander – Great Traffic Referral Tracking Service

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Here’s a quick post about a service we use at Spigit, and that I’ve been digging a lot: LeadLander. LeadLander tracks hits to your website. And I love the data.

I’m not exactly a website SEO expert…OK, I’m not one at all. I see some pretty nice stats for this WordPress.com blog. That’s about the extent of my awareness.

So seeing what data is available is a revelation to me. And as I journey further into my marketing role, I’m coming to appreciate these stats tremendously.

Here’s what LeadLander gives you:

  • Name of companies that visit your site
  • How they got there
  • What pages they clicked
  • Most frequent search terms
  • Country counts for visitors
  • IP geolocation
  • Contacts

It’s that first item up there, the name of the company where the traffic came from, that is most addicting. You can see which companies are interested in what you offer, and how they found out about you.

As I said, I’m relatively new to this website analytics world. But LeadLander has proven to be highly valuable to us in terms of B2B marketing.  For a discussion about LeadLander, and other providers, check out this LinkedIn thread.