Do Companies Need Social Media Managers?

There are few institutions in the modern world that are not being transformed today by social media.

Shel Israel, Global Neighborhoods, 5 New Social Media Turn-ons for me.

Encouraging use and engagement with [social] tools is an area that all organizations find they have a need for at some point and time. Use of these tools and engagement by people in an organization often does not happen easily. Why? Normally, most of the people in the organization do not have a conceptual framework for what the tools do and the value the individuals will derive.

Thomas Vander Wal,, Enterprise Social Tools: Components for Success

Social media is taps into a deep well of user knowledge and innovation that previously had been limited to people’s close offline contacts. FriendFeed, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and others have not so much invented new ways of thinking as they have created new ways to surface intellectual energy and creativity, and significantly expanded the conversations one has.

How does this translate into the workplace? Thomas Vander Wal’s quote above hits on one of the biggest hindrances. Just throwing tools at people and saying “have at it!” will be a colossal failure. For many people, social media requires a slow romance before they become wed to it. Want to see how much romancing is needed? Read this guy’s comment about Twitter on TechCrunch.

The thing about social media is that once people get it, they really get excited about it. Facebook has experienced terrific growth. Twitter is edging more closely to early mainstream. FriendFeed is rapidly growing. But all of these companies had a chance to incubate and grow an enthusiastic set of early adopters, which leads to broader usage.

There are two issues for companies to address in the adoption of social media:

  • Slow internal adoption can cause the initiative to die from lack of focus and budget.
  • The real benefit of social media comes when many people participate. Slow adoption means companies won’t see good benefit for a while.

How can companies accelerate adoption of social media inside by employees? An enthusiastic group of innovators is always a requirement. In addition to that, how about creating a new position? The social media manager.

The Social Media Manager?

I know such a suggestion will get eye-rolls by some. Fair enough. But hear me out.

I mentioned this idea of an employee emerging as a social media manager to someone the other day. His response was that it sounded like another version of the head of knowledge management inside a company. That was interesting take. The role of the Chief Knowledge Officer seems to include a role for social media adoption, at least as I read the definition of the role on wikipedia (here).

I’m not nearly literate enough in the field of knowledge management to know what works and doesn’t work. But I suspect there’s a big difference between a knowledge manager and a social media manager:

The social media manager is a personality-driven role

Getting people out of their shells to participate in social media will take more than a handbook and a set of best practices. The successful social media manager will be someone who can engage a wide variety of personality types. Who can handle a variety of viewpoints. Who has a thick skin, because…

The social media manager should have some skin in the game

By that, I mean the person should have some opinion about what’s best for the company. Not an absolute, draconian opinion. But a confident feeling for what makes sense for the company relative to its customers, markets, competitors and products and services. And that confidence extends to entertaining differing positions from her own. A social media manager should exemplify F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous quote:

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.

After reading this, I realize that it makes the social media manager seem like some sort of uber-participant, eclipsing all others. If that happens, then we have social media FAIL. Rather, a good social media manager will have the ability to stir up enough interest in subjects to get people participating amongst themselves.

Work of the Social Media Manager

There are three basic functions of the social media manager:

  1. Initiate discussions
  2. Participate in discussions
  3. Report on discussions

Initiation is particularly important in the early stages of the social media rollout. People need a jump start to participate, and someone willing to show how it’s done is important.

Participation keeps the social media manager relevant and build connections with others. In a large organization, no one will know everybody. So participation – the crux of social media – is a requirement.

Reporting is a way to show the benefit of participating. The social media manager can report out all sorts of things to foster interest and participation:

  • Good discussions
  • Tag buzz – hottest tags right now
  • Interesting activity streams (e.g. sales closed)
  • Rising wikis
  • Etc.

Reporting occurs via RSS and that reliable corporate communication method…email. Why report? Make sure people are aware of good stuff. And ensure good participants are recognized. This latter point is important, as it speaks to the motivation of employees. Employees are ambitious and want to succeed. Burnishing reputations via social media is a strong motivation.

It turns out this motivation dovetails with the goals of the company as well. Good social media usage benefits companies in a number of ways.

Final Thoughts

Ideally, the social media manager likely emerges organically from early users. Someone who’s a natural. If needed, someone can be appointed to the position. I’d also expect the position to change hands over time.

Note that there are those out there on the web who serve these de facto positions for a lot of us.

The thing about social media out on the world wide web is that it attracts a large number of people from all over the place, all around the world. It just takes a relatively small percentage of people to get social media going. Inside companies, more motivation is required to get things moving because there is a much more limited pool of users from which to draw adoption.

What do you think?

[UPDATE – this article mentions someone who has exactly this role:]


See this item on FriendFeed:

About Hutch Carpenter
Chief Scientist Revolution Credit

19 Responses to Do Companies Need Social Media Managers?

  1. excellent post .. definitely some serious points to consider even though my first reaction to the Social Manager was to cringe 🙂

  2. Roice Castro says:

    This got me thinking. But then again, why not?

    How does one company measure a Social Manager’s performance?

  3. @Steven – thanks. I know the title is one to make eyes roll. But there’s a real thought behind it, eh? 😉

  4. @Roice – much of the value of social media inside companies occurs after a period of time, when people get used to the tools and participation rises. Early on, there aren’t any programmatic ROI metrics. I’d look for participation rates. Blog posts, wiki entries, comments, tags, micro-blog posts, RSS feeds, etc.

    There WILL be some nice outcomes that will emerge during the early the early phases. Those wins will fuel broader adoption.

  5. Pingback: MAPping Company Success

  6. Miki says:

    Good ideas, Hutch. But I would add that the person’s skills should include a strong dose of shrink to deal with the all the different MAP (mindset, attitude, philosophy™) based resistance involved.

  7. Pingback: Should Corporate Bloggers Interact More with the Blogosphere? |

  8. Robin Cannon says:

    I’d argue not so much that companies need a social media manager, but rather their marketing personnel need to develop a deeper understanding of the medium.

    Being the early adopter at my company has led to moves to change my role away from more direct tech to marketing/seo/social media focuses, and I think this is a reasonable approach to take.

    I think that to genuinely be involved in social media though, with a genuinely beneficial effect, companies need to generate useful content as well as just trying to lever benefit from the medium. That can be a difficult thing to achieve, because a lot of the time you’re trying to get content developed by colleagues who might not understand the potential wider benefit. But company blogs, strong and current news articles and comment are vital for social media to be an effective traffic driver to a corporate site.

  9. Daryl Tay says:

    Hey Hutch, I’m behind you 100% on this one and it’s really helped me think things through. I intend to pitch the role to a company in the future, but given that it isn’t even a role that exists in that company yet, it’ll be hard for them to wrap their heads around it! Good base to move on.

  10. compassioninpolitics says:

    Very nice. A great logical companion to this article would be Chris Brogan’s post “What I Want a Social Media Expert to Know”

  11. @Miki – perhaps a shrink is needed in social media!

  12. @Robin – companies can create good content to engage users in social media. But it’s pretty hard for them to break out of the press release-oriented, always-selling mode.

  13. @Daryl – cool. It would be a fun role, I have to say.

  14. @compassioninpolitics – thanks for that link. Chris Brogan and Jeremiah Owyang have both been great in covering these types of ideas.

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